Valinor’s Stella of Cota’s Malamutes

Meet Stella, our beautiful dark red or“mahogany” colored lass. Stella is the full sister of Atari from a different litter, and she joined our pack when she was a little older. We are grateful to her previous owner for letting us have her in our program! She has quickly become a beloved member of our pack.

Stella is known for her love of treats, love of people and her passion for dismantling any and all dog toys. She is gentle with children and her calm nature makes her a great companion.

Health Testing

  • PennHip

    PennHip is an osteoarthritis and hip dysplasia test developed by Dr. Gail Smith, an orthopedic surgeon from the University of Pennsylvania. This is a more objective test than OFA. We were going to do both tests to compare results but had issues submitting paperwork. Stella has no evidence of OA and below average (a good thing) on DI.

  • Embark

    Stella’s genetic test would be identical to Atari’s, due to modes of inheritance she is clear for: